March 6, 2008

News for March 8 class

Posted in Assignments, Updates tagged at 7:15 am by maf

It’s funny how a four-day trip can set you back in terms of workload!

My trip to Sapelo was great. Read about it here.

I’m guessing that I may receive some emails and phone calls as you finish up your Selection Policies. Here’s one Q&A that might explain a little more about the tags:

Q: I’m confused about the Reflection tag. There seem to be two: one in the list of elements at the top of the list, and then another under Connections at the bottom. Help!

A: I can see why this is confusing, now that I step back and look at the Tag List. If I have time, I’ll clarify it, but here’s the explanation:

“Connections” has nothing to do with the Reflection. The context for Connections is on the rubric, line 4.3. I’ll admit, it makes no sense unless you look at the rubric – I did that by design. There is only one Reflection. It’s listed up top of the Tag List as a component. The last tags are to be included in the reflection. So, you can just highlight your Reflection heading and that’s sufficient for that tag. Then, include the last three tags in the reflection itself.

I hope this helps. This is an excellent reminder that, despite great care in constructing these things, there’s always room for ambiguity and confusion – and only through your questions do these come to light.

I am home most of today and happy to take any questions. Tomorrow I travel to Athens and you’re welcome to reach me via cell.

On Saturday, Beth and Stephanie are in charge of the day while I do advising. I’ll be happy to talk to any person (my advisee or not) that wants a one-on-one consultation. Reminder: the Advising Notes page is your best friend at registration time (begins March 28).

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